# Lecture (Start Here)

This week, and probably for future weeks, there will be a short video for you to watch before attend the practical session.


This module is not about taking an in-depth exploration into developing web applications. Rather, I want to show you the basics to allow you to expose an interface for users to be able to interact with your database.

This week we are going to somewhat depart, at least temporarily, from looking specifically at databases and consider how we can serve HTML pages from a Node application. I appreciate this may seem a little odd; after all, this is a database unit.

My rationale for taking the approach is a common technique in NoSql application development; that is to allow the intended user interactions with our application to guide the data model. In other words, we structure our data such that it is convenient for our future users. As such, this week we are going to laying out a sample application and consider how our users will interact with it.

Weekly Outcomes

By the end of this week, you should be able to answer the question:

How might I create and serve an HTML interface for my data driven web applications?