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sessions dependencies

Session Dependencies

This week we are continuing with our wine tasting theme. Please ensure you have the latest version of the project

You can clone this version using the following command:

  • git clone https://github.com/joeappleton18/db-starter-project.git --single-branch --branch week-9-solutions

This week we will be working in development mode. As such, set up your .env file to point to your local MongoDB setup.

Note, you might get an error stating "incompatible node environment". This can be fixed by grabbing your version of node, node -v then updating the engines property in the package.json file to your version of node.

Last week, in deploying our application, concluded our exploration of the fundamental JavaScript technologies needed to create a data-driven web application. This week I want us to consider, for lack of a better term, how we can make our wine application a little less clunky. As such, we will be exploring the following questions:

How can I introduce front-end JavaScript into my application to allow for database updates without the need for the browser to reload the page?

How can I take the idea of MongoDB relations further to allow users to favourite wine tastings (a fun little feature)?