# Week 5 (Getting to Grips With the Assessment)

This week we are going to take a step away from the technical side and consider the assessment. The overarching goal is for us to discuss and get a clear idea with regards to what you need to do to achieve the best possible grade in the assessment.

To do this, we are going to form groups and decided on a example assessment idea. Next, we are going to work though the keys aspects of the assessment and consider how we are going to address these aspects.

# The Fundamental Idea

This assessment requires you to create, test, and deploy a proof of concept data-driven full stack web-application.

The above statement suggests that we need to create a proof of concept data driven web application.

A proof of concept means this application does not need to be overly sophisticated. Rather, we are just trying to show that a proposed solution to a given problem is feasible. It is vital that this problem is clearly defined; otherwise, when I am marking your assessment I won't know to what extent your solution addresses the problem you set out to solve.

# Introduction

# The problem statement

The problem statement should form part of your introduction.

The problem statement should:

  • Identify an issue
  • How your project will address the issue


Currently, at Solent University, there is no central database containing key features (e.g. capacity, equipment) regarding teaching space. Rather, this information is stored in a spread sheet which needs to be manually inspected; this is a time consuming process. This project proposes to construct a, proof of concept, web application that moves this process online.

# Task 1 (30 mins)

Take 30 minutes to construct a problem statement and share it in the chat.

# The System Overview

The system overview is going to be a high level overview of your, completed, application. You will want to include screen shots, a system diagram (we will look at this later).

# Key Design Decisions

If you are using a non-relational database, I suggest you present a wire frame of the views in your application. Continuing with the above idea of a room exploration system. Above, is a very simplified version of what some basic layouts could look like. Wire frames like this are fine; however, you will want to be more detailed.

# Task 2 (40 mins)


# Task 2 Ensure you have finished the tasks from last week

Complete the tasks from last week. If you need any help, you can find the solutions here (opens new window)